Cultivation of fast growing, high yielding
varieties and hybrids results in the depletion of soil nutrients. Hence
supplementation by foliar spray is essential to meet the nutritional
requirements of high yielding crops.
SRIVARNA Liquid Organic Manure / Fertilizer formulated to provide the grower with the high quality fully balanced liquid nutrition spray for use on a variety of crops. SRIVARNA Liquid Organic Manure / Fertilizer is a 100% natural, nutrient rich concentrated liquid manure whose nutrients are derived from condensed organic fermentation solubles. This is certified by Lacon(Gbmp), Germany.For certified organic farming.
SRIVARNA Liquid Organic Manure / Fertilizer is
a dark coloured organic liquid capable of supplying all water soluble macro
& micro nutrients, humic fulvic acids, plant growth promoting harmones as
well as bioactive plant compounds and beneficial metabolites of microbes. The
nutrients are actively stabilized and balanced forms and hence which are easily
mobile throughout the plant parts without any fixation, runoff and leaching
losses. Presence of micronutrients especially Boron, Zinc, Iron & Manganese
combined with growth harmones induce the plant growth, flowering and reduce the
flower dropping increase the fruit size as well as decreasing other deficiency
in plants.
SRIVARNA Liquid Organic Manure / Fertilizer, when sprayed on the leaf surface, with the beneficial organisms occupy spatial nitches on the leaf surface and gobble up leaf exudates that reducing the infection rate of pathogenic organism thorough antagonism, as well as induce the resistance power of crops .
Recommended Crops & Dosage:
Flowers :1-1.5 L of SLOF GOLF (plant ) applied at
10-14days intervals throughout the bloom period.
Vegetables :1.5-2.0 L at
profuse growing stage ,first bloom, full bloom and fruit setting stage.
Mango, Guava, Amla & other orchard
plantations:2.0-2.5 L /ac at first bloom and full bloom stage. Repeat the spray as
and when necessary.
Paddy & Maize: 1.5-2.0L /ac at
30&45 DAS.
Nutrient specification:
1.0 - 1.2
0.5 - 0.8
0.25 – 0.30
100 – 150ppm
125 – 150 ppm
25 – 30 ppm
150 – 200 ppm
SRIVARNA Liquid Organic Manure / Fertilizer is
most powerful soil organic fertilizer for agricultural soils. It increases the
soil organic matter and in the soil along with the necessary nutrients needed
for the crops. In SLOF Organic miracle, the macro (NPK) & micro nutrients
are available in stabilized and balanced proportion for proper crop growth and
The nutrients are released slowly in the
long run that becomes readily available to the crops. It improves the soil
organic carbon status, microbial activity, water retention capacity and
infiltration level in problematic soils. SRIVARNA Liquid Organic Manure /
Fertilizer increases the crop productivity, farm produce, quality and quantity
and also conserves the fertility of the soil.
Recommended dose:
Paddy, Maize, Sunflower, Groundnut,
Sugercane, Turmeric, Banana, Tapioca, Onion, Vegetables, Orchard crops,
Flowers, Medicinal Plants, Coconut, Tea & Coffee.
Anaerobically (fermented) & aerobically
processed organic matter with beneficial microbes.
Advantages of Using SRIVARNA Liquid Organic Manure
/ Fertilizer Liquid Fertilizer
It promotes additional buds when applied as the plants are beginning to
bud. It extends the shelf life of fruits and vegetables if applied 10 days
before harvesting.
It lengthens the life of cut flowers if they are sprayed with Liquid SRIVARNA
Liquid Organic Manure / Fertilizer a day or two before cutting. Treating seeds
or seed pieces with Liquid SRIVARNA Liquid Organic Manure / Fertilizer prior to
planting will improve seed germination, root growth, and early seedling vigor.
SRIVARNA Liquid Organic Manure / Fertilizer also can be used as a rooting
solution. Place cuttings in a solution of Liquid SRIVARNA Liquid Organic Manure
/ Fertilizer and water until roots develop, then plant. When planting, water in
with Liquid SRIVARNA Liquid Organic Manure / Fertilizer solution. Liquid SRIVARNA
Liquid Organic Manure / Fertilizer applied to pasture crops increases the
nutrient uptake, the protein content, and overall quality of the crop.
It promotes additional buds when applied as the plants are beginning to
It extends the shelf life of fruits and vegetables if applied 10 days
before harvesting
It lengthens the life of cut flowers if they are sprayed with Liquid SRIVARNA
Liquid Organic Manure / Fertilizer a day or two before cutting.
Treating seeds or seed pieces with Liquid SRIVARNA Liquid Organic Manure /
Fertilizer prior to planting will improve seed germination, root growth, and
early seedling vigor.
SRIVARNA Liquid Organic Manure / Fertilizer also can be used as a rooting
solution. Place cuttings in a solution of Liquid SRIVARNA Liquid Organic Manure
/ Fertilizer and water until roots develop, then plant. When planting, water in
with SRIVARNA Liquid Organic Manure / Fertilizer solution.
SRIVARNA Liquid Organic Manure / Fertilizer applied to pasture crops
increases the nutrient uptake, the protein content, and overall quality of the
SRIVARNA Liquid Organic Manure / Fertilizer organic fertilizers can be used
as a soil treatment to grow healthier, stronger, and more disease-resistant
A wide range of beneficial effects have been reported from the use of SRIVARNA
Liquid Organic Manure / Fertilizer including increased crop yields, resistance
of plants to frost, increased uptake of inorganic constituents from the soil,
more resistance to stress conditions and reductions in storage losses of fruit.
Promotes vigorous growth and helps deter pests and diseases on fruit,
flowers, vegetables, lawns etc.
SRIVARNA Liquid Organic Manure / Fertilizer has more than 70 minerals,
vitamins, and enzymes.
SRIVARNA Liquid Organic Manure / Fertilizer fertilizers are especially
useful in organic gardening. They contain almost every micro-nutrient in a
fully chelated (immediately available) form. They deliver a healthy dose of
natural plant hormones.
SRIVARNA Liquid Organic Manure / Fertilizer is full of carbohydrates, which
the plants use as a building block and which large populations of beneficial
micro-organisms use as a food source.
Alginates, (sponge-like starches found in seaweed), hold water droplets
near the plant roots, making moisture available to them without drowning them;
they also help enrich the soil by feeding myriad beneficial microorganisms such
as bacteria and tiny fungi necessary to composting.
Research at major universities has shown that seeds soaked in seaweed
extract germinate more rapidly, have larger root mass, stronger plant growth and
higher survival rate. Soaking plant roots in SRIVARNA Liquid Organic Manure /
Fertilizer reduces transplant
shock and speeds root growth.
Several university studies have shown that seaweed can produce dramatic
results in plants: geraniums produced more flowers per plant; grapes were
sweeter; gladiolus corms grew larger; and cucumber yields increased 40 percent
and the fruits suffered less often from softening and rotting. Improved yields
after SRIVARNA Liquid Organic Manure / Fertilizer treatments were measured in
potatoes, sweet corn, peppers, tomatoes, apples, strawberries, okra, and
oranges. Better frost tolerance, increased seed germination, and greater
capacity to absorb trace elements were other documented benefits for plants.
SRIVARNA Liquid Organic Manure / Fertilizer fertilizers have many benefits.
They provide natural hormones and many nutrients not found in other forms of
fertilizer. Since most plants absorb their nutrients through the leaves,
applying this with a foliar method will benefit the plant even more. Foliar
simply means placing the fertilizer on the leaf itself. As the plant absorbs
the sunlight it needs, it will also be absorbing the nutrients found in the
Another major component in liquid SRIVARNA Liquid Organic Manure /
Fertilizer fertilizers are the hormones. The main hormones in SRIVARNA Liquid
Organic Manure / Fertilizer are auxins, gibbelerins, cytokinins and betaines.
The roles of these hormones are essential to plant health. Most of these are
only required in very small proportions. There are many different auxins and
they all have their specific roles. Their main functions are the balanced
control of speed of growth. They have both growth stimulating as well as
delaying functions. They stimulate root-growth, prevent bud-forming or opening
at the wrong times.
SRIVARNA Liquid Organic Manure / Fertilizer can play an important role in
the production of the plant's own auxins, because the enzymes formed with the
help of trace elements from the liquid SRIVARNA Liquid Organic Manure /
Fertilizer fertilizer play an important role in the formation of these
Cytokinins are another group of important plant hormones. They initiate and
activate basic growth processes. The cytokinins available in liquid seaweed
extract stimulate growth with greater vigour, because they mobilise nutrients
in the leaves. They also provide protection from marginal frost (to -3 C).
Cytokinins also retard the senescence (aging processes) in the plant.
SRIVARNA Liquid Organic Manure / Fertilizer fertilizers, (especially the
alginates in the seaweed) act as soil conditioners. The alginates react with
metals in the soil and form long and cross-linked polymers in the soil. These
polymers improve the crumbing in the soil, and swell up when they get wet, and
retain moisture for a long period.
Direction for use:
5 – 10
Grams / Pot / 2 Wks
PLANTS - After 15 days of planting: 5 –
10 Grms / Pot or per Plant every 15 days
interval till fruiting.
VEGETABLES: After 15 days of planting: 5 – 10 Grms / Pot or per Plant every 15 days interval till fruiting.
FLOWER & FOLIAGE PLANT: After 15 days of planting: 5 – 10 Grms / Pot or per
Plant every 15 days interval till
Yield of Crops
· Increases the productivity and provided inadequate
major nutrients and micro & macro nutrients to the crop resulted the yield
upto 35 – 45%.
Application: Nursery, Kitchen / Home / Terrace / Roof / Backyard / Square foot /
Raised bed gardens, floriculture, golf course, agro forestry, sericulture, sugarcane,
coffee, tea, pan, orchards, agriculture, horticulture, lawn.
Compatibility: Compatible with all most all pesticides / fungicides / PGR
Available Packing Sizes & Prices
For more details, please write to us on